CESVI France Partners show #2023

The Salon to Be !!

The second edition of the Cesvi France Partners Show was once again a real success. It was a real pleasure to share with the partners, prospects and customers who made the day of 20 June such a shared success.

CESVI FRANCE is COVEA‘s training and technical research centre for motor insurance.

Focused primarily on the automotive repair sector, it involves :

  • Developing innovative methodologies
  • Extensive testing of products and equipment available on the market
  • Constant technological monitoring
  • Comprehensive studies of recently-marketed vehicles
  • Training in automotive repair

LBS-Les Bonnes Solutions was able to forge closer links with this network of repair professionals, most of whom were present at the show and play key roles in the automotive aftermarket microcosm.

And to round off this superb day, we were honoured to welcome our customer Mr. SOKPOH, accompanied by an insurer from Benin.

A superb country where LBS-Les Bonnes Solutions provides support for new car centre projects.

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