Live at the Univers VO Club

Benoit Mayet had the honour of taking an active part in a new LIVE#42 from Club Univers VO, a club of major players in the used vehicle market of which LBS Les Bonnes Solutions is a member.

Subject of this #Live :

Investing in the automotive after-sales market / opportunities and winning strategies

⚡️ Overview and quick analysis of the automotive after-sales market
⚡️ Future prospects: What opportunities for the after-sales market?
⚡️ The impact of electric vehicles: Threat or opportunity for the after-sales sector?
⚡️ Sources of profit in the automotive after-sales sector: The secrets of success
⚡️ LBS Group: Methods & success stories

Thanks again to our club and to Univers VO for allowing us to take part in these informative discussions.

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