EMVO 2022

The Used Car Show according to the Journal de l’Auto, LBS – Les Bonnes Solutions exhibitor this time!

The Etats Majors du VO is a must for all those involved in the reconditioning or remarketing of used cars. With a market in full mutation, most of the merchants, dealers, manufacturers, suppliers and service providers of the used car industry were present at this meeting on 18 May 2022 at the Hippodrome de Longchamps – Paris.

Once again, a superb meeting for the LBS – Les Bonnes Solutions team, which was able to discuss the reconditioning of used vehicles with prospects and customers. The new principles of used car reconditioning have been gaining momentum for several years and are being accentuated by the sharp decline in the new car market. Numerous groups and manufacturers are trying their hand at it and are wondering …

© Mélanie Robin Photographies

To get started, you need to study the possibilities and needs for creating a real production tool: work surfaces, equipment, resources, budget… There are so many questions to ask yourself before pressing the button.

LBS – Les Bonnes Solutions thanks to its sizing tool LBSoft Project allows to establish precisely the needs related to the creation or restructuring of a site, whether it is intended for the reconditioning VO and/or the collision.

Thanks to a database of more than 2 million data on car repairs in France, LBSoft Project estimates and sizes according to the customer’s specifications :

– work surfaces

– the quantity and type of tools and equipment

– human resources and their positions

– the production potential of the site

But once determined, it is necessary to equip, recruit, feed and produce!

LBS – Les Bonnes Solutions, aware of these challenges for their customers, provides personalized support for the success of their projects :

Review and creation of processes (planning, flows, management, etc.)

Accompaniment in recruitment

Help in choosing suppliers and equipment

Customised coaching (back & front office)

Professional development

(mechanics, bodywork, shop)

Customised training

Commitment to achieve targets

Thanks again to EMVO and our partner OMIA for giving us the opportunity to present our vision and our tool to support the smooth running of VO reconditioning projects.

Watch our video on VO Recondioning at the following link : LBS-Les Bonnes Solutions – Youtube

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